How to Choose a Good Business Name?
Nov 07, 2023
Choosing a good business name is a critical activity. Some factors to consider include whether it is related to the business, is easy to pronounce etc. The main idea is that the name should be able to multiply the effect of positivity and brand reach.
But such a critical activity requires lot of research and insight. This is because the long-term and short-term repercussions need to be understood in order to achieve tangible value. These include but are not limited to factors like trademark infringement, conveying a broad and descriptive meaning and fitting in with the future vision of the business.
If entrepreneurs are facing a ‘writer’s block’, one of the best methods will be to take use a business name generator or a brand name generator. This way, it will be easy for individuals to have some inspiration. There are many available in the market and the best ones have the ability to try various combinations and languages. Names4brands.com is one such company name generator that takes a big hassle off!
Other options include involving a professional consultant. Such consultants can not only look for a name but also give you a detailed report on the choice, impact and trademark aspects. This will also mean that you can free up some more time for streamlining your business. Professional consultants and companies take a long period of time, anywhere between a few weeks to a few months to funnel down to the ideal choice and all along, they will be in continuous discussion with you. So with this option, be prepared to wait a little more and also be involved in a lot of brain-storming sessions and discussions.
Another option will be to involve your employees and others close to you a little more in this process. This will not only boost employee motivation and make them involved in the thought process, but also ensure that you obtain more vistas and opinions from people who are connected to you.
Sometimes, even a combination of all of the above is useful. For example, one can garner some inspiration from a business name generator, discuss with family and friends and finally run it through a consultant for deeper inputs.
Overall, it is a known fact that a name makes or breaks a brand or business, especially if it is more direct-consumer facing. Put on your thinking hats and set the stone rolling!