How to Zero in On a Good Company Name?
Nov 07, 2023
The name of a company plays a pivotal role in its success. The article discusses how to zero in on a good name for your company
Starting a company is an individual’s dream. However, while the focus may be on achieving operational excellence and innovating, equally important roles are played by branding and marketing and hence, it should not be overlooked. In this respect, a company name plays a prime role in being recognized for the value it adds and the recall value. Below are some tips role a good company name
Online brand name generators such as namesforbrands.com are a veritable treasure house of suggestions and solutions. By allowing the user to customize their needs for a name, these business name generators come up with various company name suggestions. While some may seem awkward, it is a really good place to start!
Bring a positive feel
Negativity sends out the wrong vibes and can drown your product and voice. Hence, the brand name must give a positive feel. A strongly evocative name also resonates well with the audience and helps in brand recall.
Research well
Good research is fundamental to any branding exercise. While a name may be innocuous in one language, it may mean something else in another language. A case study with how even leading brands get it wrong is a good example!
Do some pre-flight checks
Before going in for a full-scale announcement or creating all the marketing collateral, it is wise to test your name in markets, check if there are legal challenges, that if the domain name is available, among other things. Only by carrying out some dry tests can the efficacy of the brand name in the live environment be gauged and corrective action taken as appropriate.
Says Leon of Nikitha, a leading social media marketing company in Chennai, “The name is the real essence and identity of a brand. The customer journey starts the moment the name is mentioned until the product or service is actually experienced by the customer. Hence, care must be taken, and a lot of time spent to arrive at a correct brand name that is not only creative but also apt for that product or service.”